What is a Difference Between Hi and Hello?

Difference Between Hello and Hi!

English ia an universal language. Without speking English it is difficult to survive in this competative world. Now a days people have fond of speking english. People join English spoken classes just to spoke English fluently. English is one of the most spoken language in the world. In every field we need English language either it is a job interview or to recite a short speech. There is a most common words of english when we start conversation that word is "Hi" and "Hello". English speakers generally use this words at the beginning of a conversation. Perhaps people think this two words are common and same in meanning. Even they don't know where exactly this two words are used. But there is difference between this two words and this words have its own uses, hardly few people know this diffrence.

Let's us discuss the difference between "Hi" & "Hello"

Hello:- It is a formal word. We use this word when we meet new person whom we don't know before. This words can also be used when we answer to a phone calls or we want somebody's attention.This words is use for respect to someone for example to greet a Teachers, Office Boss and other person whom we respect. In short we can say that "Hello" is use to talk to unknown people or those people whom we never meet before. We maximum used this word when we talking to a doctor, customer and others.

Hi:- It is a informal words. We say "Hi" to those people whom we already known that means our families and relatives. Do not say "Hi" to someone when we meet first time, because this word is used when we talk to someone whom we know. This word is quite simply the the informal counterpart for the more formal "Hello". This word is used maximum when we talking to our friends, relatives, and others person whom we know.


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