Air, Water and Soil Pollution

Pollution Now days pollution is rapidly increasing over whole world. Pollution is one of the dangerous issue which cause harmful effects in our global warming system. In today's generation water, air, soil are also being polluted by different kinds of smoke, rubbish garbage etc. Which is very important for human beings to survive. In Antarctica there is an ozone hole and it is only possible from pollution. Uses of plastics increasing over whole world and when that plastics is brunt it's smoke mixed with air and due to this smoke, ozone hole is created over Antarctica. From that ozone hole all radiation of sun strike in the glacier, and that glacier start melting that increase the level of ocean . Not only this due to the sun's radiation people have to suffer various kinds of harmful diseases like skin cancer etc. Layer of ozone is really important for human beings and this world. So we have to save this layer not to destroy i...