Now days pollution is rapidly increasing over whole world. Pollution is one of the dangerous issue which cause harmful effects in our global warming system. In today's generation water, air, soil are also being polluted by different kinds of smoke, rubbish garbage etc. Which is very important for human beings to survive. In Antarctica there is an ozone hole and it is only possible from pollution. Uses of plastics increasing over whole world and when that plastics is brunt it's smoke mixed with air and due to this smoke, ozone hole is created over Antarctica. From that ozone hole all radiation of sun strike in the glacier, and that glacier start melting that increase the level of ocean . Not only this due to the sun's radiation people have to suffer various kinds of harmful diseases like skin cancer etc. Layer of ozone is really important for human beings and this world. So we have to save this layer not to destroy it by different kinds of pollution.

Soil pollution :- Actually the most important thing that generates pollution is plastic. There are different kinds of pollution among one of them is soil pollution. It is also a dangerous issue for all living beings. Food is really important for living beings to survive and that grows in the soil. If soil gets polluted then we don't get proper food to eat. And if we don't eat proper food we don't get energy after some days we will die from hunger but also from landslides due to polluted soil. Landsliding is a natural hazard disaster that destroys lakhs of properties of people and it is mostly caused by plastic. When plastics don't burn and are thrown into the ground, some days later they get mixed with soil. That's how landslides occur. We should have to avoid plastic uses and other things that make our soil polluted.

Air pollution :- we all human beings know how air is important for us. We take oxygen and produce carbon dioxide. Without oxygen it is impossible to survive in this world . Nowadays different kinds of smoke are generated through factories and that smoke gets mixed with air. That's how air is polluted. Various kinds of infections disease spread through air and also polluted air that cause serious problems. Plastic can't be disposed of because we burnt plastic but it is also harmful for us. When we burn biodegradable substances it generates smoke that is dangerous for all living beings and this world. Due to air pollution presence of ozone layer also decreases and if pollution of air can't stop may be ozone layer will totally disappear from the atmosphere.

Water pollution :- Our earth is divided into 4 equal parts. Among that 3 parts is water and only one part is land. In our little activity of daily life we need water. In today's generation water is also being polluted by different kinds of rubbish. Maybe people think that water is cheap and it is available anywhere that's why they pollute rivers, take other sources of water without any hesitation. In villages people wash their clothes in the river and also they take baths in the river and make the river dirty. When people drink that polluted water they have to suffer various kinds of diseases. Not only does this fisherman spray different kinds of chemicals in rivers while catching fish, that also pollutes water,we should have to know the importance of water. Water is very precious to us.
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